An Idea to Help Before Court — Surrender Meditation

juliequinn • August 15, 2019

So many people are nervous or upset to be going to court. That is understandable and there are tips and techniques you can use if you feel like one of those nervous, upset or angry people.

I happened upon this meditation by Jason Stephenson by accident. I have been loving using affirmations in my own life lately. When I was driving to court one day, I asked Siri to find my usual affirmations and she gave me this instead. As I listened, I realized that this could be an excellent tool for some of my clients to use before court.

Often, clients have strong emotions in going to court. The issues at hand are important and personal. Sometimes, though, being in a state of strong emotion in court can backfire and work against you. You might not make decisions as well when you are in the grip of fear or anger. You might find it harder to work to reach a compromise. Or, ironically, you may give up too easily when you are upset.

This meditation is 35 minutes long. I recommend listening to it multiple times over the days or weeks leading up to your court date and then once on the day of court.

You can also try this instant, on-the-spot technique for feeling better in court.

If this helped you and you want more ideas like this, please let us know. We are always happy to suggest resources for our clients.

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