Why I Like Telling People about Mediation

juliequinn • February 25, 2020

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” That must be why I love working with our clients at Quinn Law & Mediation, LLC—it fuels my heart and my soul to serve others. I take my role in helping our clients during difficult times very seriously. Especially significant for me is our firm’s mission to make it a financial possibility to obtain legal counsel. We are taking that practicality one step further. We offer the benefits of private mediation for anyone wanting to get a divorce, modify custody, or establish child support.

“I had no idea this was an option”

It’s been eye-opening to inform potential clients on the benefits of mediation when they call to schedule a consultation. If they do not feel like mediation is a good fit for them, I will schedule a litigation consultation, but I try to offer potential clients mediation whenever possible. It is a great option for many people, especially people who feel option-less and stuck. When they hear that avoiding court, saving money and coming up with a mutually desirable outcome is a real possibility, their reaction over the phone is practically palpable. Many people say, “I have never heard of this” or “I had no idea this was an option.” I also hear, “You mean we might not have to go to court” or “Everywhere else I’ve called said it would cost $5,000 and I don’t have that kind of money”.

Benefits of Mediation for our Clients

I explain to them that they do not have to agree on everything (or anything for that matter) to come to mediation. People who mediate are at the helm of their own private affairs instead of a judge.  A good mediator keeps them moving toward a resolution instead of staying stuck in the usual arguments. Mediation is forward focused and a wonderful option for a less than wonderful situation. We offer mediation in a private and safe environment. Our firm helps their family get through this tough time.

Our clients have been very pleased with their mediation experiences and outcomes with us. We are hopeful you will be too!

Liza Woodrome, a legal assistant at QLM, answers people’s questions about family law mediation every day. She will happily answer your questions Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm at 618-242-9580.

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