Top Reasons to Stay on Good Terms with your Ex

Julie Quinn • October 19, 2023

Beyond the general advantages of living at peace with everyone, staying on good terms with your ex or soon-to-be ex offers definite advantages. You may have to turn the proverbial other cheek, offer forgiveness when they let you down, and let conflict roll off of you like water off a duck’s back, but it could be worth it.

1)     Less Stress.

Living in conflict is a big energy drain. When that conflict is with someone who was once close to you, that can magnify the effect on your energy and mood. Those factors alone are enough to help you decide not to sweat the small stuff.

2)     You might need help someday.

When you are going through your case, you might need to make some major changes for your own financial good. You might need to sell a car with a large payment to get something more affordable. You might have a crisis and need childcare during your parenting time. In some cases, you will require your soon-to-be ex’s cooperation (trading-in a car in their name) and in other cases it is just good to have (trading parenting time if you end up in the hospital). When you have a good relationship with your ex, you can talk through these issues and get the support that you need.

3)     It is worth it for your kids.

Conflict between parents causes stress for kids. Besides causing unhappiness, stress in children can lead to emotional outbursts, trouble sleeping and struggles in school. Reducing conflict between parents is good for kids, which in turn is good for you!

We have found that handling your case through mediation is an excellent way to resolve existing conflicts and reduce future conflicts. We do mediation for initial divorce or parenting plan, but we can also do mediation for issues that arise after your case. Call us today to see if we can help you.

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