Divorce Horror Story Contest
juliequinn • October 16, 2020
- Tell us about what went wrong or was just plain scary about your divorce in 100 words or less
- Feel free to use a pen name or “anonymous.” We may decide to give you a pen name
at our discretion if we think it is necessary to protect the innocent (and the guilty
- Submit the story no later than October 30, 2020, at 3 pm Central time via our “ Contact” button
on this site
- Be sure to include your contact information so we can get your gift card to you if you are the winner. (We will not use your contact information except to contact you regarding this contest)
- We will publish the winning story on our blog and social media on October 31, 2020
Send us your divorce horror story today. We are sorry you had to go through that, but at least you might win a $100 gift card, right?